Planets etc page 1

Object Name Description Episode or Film
Acamar III Home planet of the Acamarian race The Vengeance Factor TNG
Acamar System Star System containing planet Acamar III The Vengenance Factor TNG
Adelphous IV Planet destination of Enterprise-D following encounter with Romulans Warbird Devoras Data's Day TNG
Alawanir Nebula Nebula investigated by the Enterprise-D in 2369 Rightful Heir TNG
Aldea Legendary planet whose people excelled in intellectual and artistic pursuits When the Bough Breaks TNG
Alderbaran III Homeworld to Janet Wallace and her husband The Deadly Years TOS
Alsauria Planet ruled by the Totalitarians Order of Mokra Resistance VOY
Alsebaron Planet were Dr. Elizabeth Dehner joined Enterprise crew in 2265 Where No Man Has Gone Before TOS
Alfa 117 Class M planet where upon beaming Kirk was divided into two beings, one evil and one good The Enemy Within TOS
Alpha Carinae II Class-M planet used in the M-5 test The Ultimate Computer TOS
Alpha Carinae V Planet of the Drella creature that derived sustenance from emotions Wolf In The Fold TOS
Alpha Centauri Closest star to Earth's solar system, home to Zefram Cochrane, inventor of the warp drive Metamorphosis TOS
Alpha Cygnus IX Planet where Federation Ambassador Sarek arranged a major treaty Sarek TNG
Alpha III Planet where a historic individual rights document was established Court Martial TOS
Alpha Majoris I Planet origin of the Mellitus, a creature with many forms Wolf In The Fold TOS
Alpha Moon Moon orbiting planet Peliar Zel, at odds with its sister moon, Beta The Host TNG
Alpha Omicron System Star system where a life-form was found living in the vacuum of space Galaxy's Child
Alpha Onais III Planet where Riker was abducted by a little boy who wanted a friend to play with Future Imperfect TNG
Alpha Proxima II Planet where several women were brutally murdered Wolf in The Fold TOS
Alpha V Planet with colony where Charles Evans nearest living relatives lived Charlie X TOS
Altair III Planet where William Riker refused to allow Captain DeSoto to beam to the surface Encounter At Farpoint TNG
Altair VI Planet visited by the Enterprise in 2267 for an important presidential inauguration ceremony; Altair Vi was also part of the Kobayashi Maru simulation Amok Time-Star Trek II: The Warth of Khan TOS
Altec Plante; along with Straleb, part of the Coalition of Madena The Outrageous Okona TNG
Amargosa Diaspora Dense globular star cluster Enterprise-D investigated in 2369 Schisms TNG
Andevian II Planet with at least four moons The Forsaken DS9
Andromeda Galaxy Closet galaxy to the Milky Way Galaxy, home to the Kelvans, expected to become uninhabitable in ten millenia due to increased rediation levels By Any Other Name TOS



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